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The Illuminated Journal

August 20-27

Class Full
The Illuminated Journal


The journal is a place to work out among other things one’s thoughts, desires, and discoveries. You are going to create a special journal which will be something you and generations that follow you will treasure. Through a series of exercises which will be enlightened by the landscape you will first create some of the pages for the journal. In the process you will be introduced to several different medias including pen and ink, watercolor, collage and printmaking and ways to create interesting methods for combining text with each. Printmaking will be an important component as this is how we will create the covers for our books. On this journey you will discover (or rediscover) what you love most. Finally you will put the pages into an artist book which will be finished off with a special coptic binding. The course is designed for all levels. No previous art experience necessary. The course will be half day.

Meet your Instructor

Susie Newbold

Susie Newbold

Susan Newbold received a BA in Studio Art from Principia College and an MFA in Visual Art from Vermont College. Her final project, an artist book, was acquired by The Chicago Institute of Art. She is also a graduate of the Post Bac program of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, MA. She has been awarded four fellowships to work in France by the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and The MD Institute of Art. Additional residencies have been at the New Pacific Studios in New Zealand, the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay, ME, and, most recently, the Tyrone Guthrie Center in Nubliss, Ireland.

She has taught workshops both nationally and internationally. Her favorite job of all was founding and directing Creative Arts Week at Camp Newfound for fourteen years where she also taught printmaking and the Illuminated Journal.

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