More Than Just Serious Soccer

One of the joys of my job is the times I get to go out and play with the kids. Today, in celebration of the new tee pads that the CITs just completed as their summer project, I played a round of disc golf during free period with a group of campers. As we emerged from the woods on the 6th hole onto the edge of the soccer field, I paused to look at all the free period activities. There were 8 guys being put through workouts on the Rec Hall porch by a counselor. On the field, we had our Serious Soccer Free Period - a group of guys grinding to get better at soccer with another counselor. There also were two football players getting one-on-one training from a pair of counselors. I know there can be a lot of pressure for kids to stay home and work on their sports during the summer, but I couldn't help but think of how great it is that these boys can keep working to improve while also getting all the other benefits that a summer at Owatonna can give. These boys aren't missing a beat athletically but at the same time, the spiritual and social growth from Camp is unmatched by summer sports camps.
Reid Charlston, Owatonna Director