A Day at Newfound

A Day at Newfound

Cell phones and social media are replaced by laughing and chatting with cabin mates. Homework is replaced by board games and ultimate Frisbee under the stars. Traffic noise is replaced by loon calls and warm breezes. School is replaced by cutting through the lake on a waterski, getting a bullseye on the archery range, swimming to Cherry Island, and sculpting in arts and crafts. Lifelong friendships are made and deepened. Daily use of Christian Science is practiced. Nothing beats a day in the life at Camp Newfound!

In addition to regular activities, throughout each camp session there are special events like games against other camps, sports clinics, jewelry or pottery workshops, sailing regattas, long-distance swims, and rock climbing competitions.

And every evening after dinner, the camp comes together for activities including counselor hunts, cabin skits, campfires, cabin nights, or an all-camp game of capture the flag.

A typical daily schedule at Newfound looks like:

  • 7:30 am wake up and clean up
  • 8 am breakfast
  • 8:30 Quiet Hour for Lesson study
  • 9 am Morning Meeting
  • 10 am Activity Period 1
  • 11 am Activity Period 2
  • 12:20 Lunch
  • 1 pm Rest Hour
  • 2 pm Activity Period 3
  • 3 pm Fruit Bell
  • 3:15 Activity Period 4
  • 4:15 Free Period
  • 5 pm Shower Hour
  • 5:45 Dinner
  • 7 pm Evening Activity
  • 8:30 Lights Out for Lower Camp
  • 9 pm Lights Out for the Hill

What Campers and Parents are Saying:

"The trips are amazing and I hope we keep doing new, really cool stuff. They keep opening up more options and not doing the same old trips. It is great."

"My daughter had an incredible summer, and suffice it to say, we came home and signed up for next summer."

"This camp is the most well-rounded, class-act experience. Its strength is in safety and LOTS of well-rounded experiences for the campers. I love that the campers have options and are also encouraged to stretch and grow. I also like that they can learn more about limitless power and leading a fearless life. This experience deeply impacted my daughter, and I'm committed to her having it every summer until she's too old to go."

"I listened with glee to their camp stories, but my heart was listening to their enlarged spiritual attitude. They were each in their own way showing forth their increased light and love for God. I can't thank you enough for you inspired vision and the consistent living of it. The counselors are all such quality thinkers and doers."

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