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Livvy Fletcher


Livvy Fletcher Farther
Wellesley, MA

School: I will be a sophomore at Colgate University and I plan on majoring in Political Science and minoring in English.
Activity I will be teaching this summer:
Years on staff:
This is my third summer on staff.
I'm excited about:
I am very excited to create long-lasting memories for my campers and help them grow and learn in such a loving environment.
A few fun things about me:
I have gone to Newfound for eleven years and my mom, aunt, sister, and brother also attended camp. I learned how to waterski my first summer as a camper and I fell in love with it. I have always wanted to teach it, so I am so excited for this summer!!
Favorite ice cream flavor:
Black Raspberry Fudge
Favorite movie and/or TV show:
The Hunger Games
Something I'm proud of:
I was a class officer during my four years of high school and led my class in activities, service, and events. I learned how to public speak, organize, and work with a variety of people!
Favorite past time/activity:
Reading and spending time with loved ones

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